Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some like it Hoth-Recap(revisit)

Microwave with the display reading 3.16…. Asian lady wanting to rent an apartment…(its changes wife!!!)..a little boy walks in..then leaves…she calls him miles…(connection made!!!…we now know who is daddy is!)…he starts hearing things and goes into a room numbered 4…it’s a man that has died…he calls for his mom…he says he was crying out for Kimberley and the apartment guy says she died last year and miles says he heard him but he is dead!!…

Sawyer is calling miles…he wants him to erase the video feeds that Kate and him are on(video #4)….Miles agree’s…Sawyer tells Kate to go back and he is going searching…(maybe for Sayid??)…Horrace shows up to see Sawyer…Miles lies to where he is…he tells Miles he wants him to bring back what Randinsky gives him..section 334…Randinsky meets him and the thing horrace gave him was a body bag….Miles wants to know what happened and it looks like he was shot in the head…they say he feel into a ditch…He says to take it back to horrace and miles goes to the back looks at the guy and says ok what REALLY HAPPENED?!

Miles is now older back at the apartment and says he needs to see her…its his mom and she is very ill…most likely cancer…he apologizes that he couldn’t come by sooner…she wants to know why he came…he wants answers…he wants to know why he is special…and about his dad…she tells him that he never cared…he wants to know where he is and she says he is dead…and tells him he is at a place he can never go… Miles is running down to the security station…Horrace is talking to chang…Horrace wants him to take it to chang at the orchid now…Hurley is loading up his sandwiches in Miles’s van…he wants to carpool and miles doesn’t…they go together… Juliet is looking in a medicine cabinet…Kate shows up…tells Juliet about Ben and how he is going to be fine…Roger shows up and notices Ben is gone…they tell him that someone came in and got him..he freaks out and says he is going to go to security…Juliet tells kate here we go…

Miles and Hurley are riding in the van and he is taking some notes down…(we see the school Dharma symbol!)..hurley asks Miles if he farted in so many words!!..he says something is smelling bad and wants Miles to pull over….Hurley notices that there is a body in there and Miles tells him to say nothing about it…Miles tells him that his name was alverez…and thinking of a chick and then his filling got yanked out and blown through his brain and then he was dead…Hurley wants to know how he knows…he tells miles his secret is safe with him and tells him he can talk to them too…

Miles is with a man that has lost his son….wants to try and communicate with him and Miles says its better if there is a body…Miles gets paid ad tells the man what he wants to hear…(its very obvious now he is about money!)…he is leaving and Naomi talks to him..she says her employer wants to hire him…and tells her sure he will hear her out…they go to a restaurant…

Roger is sitting in a playground drinking…Kate notices him and joins him and tells him not to worry that she has a feeling that Ben will be fine…Roger gets the feeling that Kate knows more than she is letting on and tells her to leave him alone…

Miles and Hurley are riding in the van and hurley wants him to talk to him about the dead people…his powers are much different though…miles tells hurley it’s a feeling he gets and gets the info that way…they arrive at the orchid and he tells him not to say anything and deliver the sandwiches…Chang is mad he didn’t come alone…Hurley says he will not say anything about the body…Chang tells him that he will be shoveling polar bear poop…Hurley says that that guy is a total doush….and Miles says that guy is my dad..(wow…he knows!)

Miles and Naomi arrive at a restaurant and she tells him that this is his audition…she pays him and he tells her everything she needs to know about him…she tells him that’s enough and makes the offer to him…she tells him on the island they are looking for this man and there are a number of dead people that could help him…she says he will pay him 1.6 mil…(double that and its what he wanted from Ben!)…

Hurley wants to know more about miles and his dad…miles tells him that the 3rd day here he got in line behind his mom…and tells him that he cant save them no matter what he does…Chang shows up and tells them to take him to Randinsky…

Jack is cleaning a classroom and Roger shows up drunk wanting to know why he is working his rounds and Jack tells him he thought he might want the day off…Roger wants to know how kate knows so much…and Jack tells him not to worry that kate is a good person and just trying t help…

Hurley and chang and miles ride along and hurley tries to strike up a conversation with chang…he tells him he has a 3 month old son named miles and that his wife likes jazz but he is a fan of country(song in the opener!!)…they show up and drop him off…they are working on the swan and are putting the numbers on the hatch door…Hurley knows the last number before they say it and it surprises Miles..he tells him he knows because of what it is and tells him that the hatch crashed there plane…

Miles is getting a taco and gets abducted in a van by some guys…the guy is Bram! They guy with illana on the island…they tell him he can come work with him and not widmore…they ask him does he know what lies in the shadow of the statue…he says no and miles says he will go with him if they offer to pay him 3.2 mil! …they say no..and throw him out..he tells miles he is playing for the wrong team…and miles wants to know what team he plays for and bram says the one that’s going to win… Hurley still tries to get answers from miles but he wants nothing to do with it..he yanks the book from hurley and notices he is writing a story..Empire strikes back!! Haha! Hurley wants to write the script and send it in with some improvements to George Lucas…Miles says that’s real stupid and Hurley says at least he isn’t scared about talking to his own dad…

Sawyer shows back up and Jack is there and tells him about Roger and kate but tells him that he fixed it though…and Sawyer thanks him…Phil shows up and tells him he knows who took the kid….him..and sawyer tells him to come inside…Sawyer asks if Phil talked to horrace yet and he says no and then sawyer knocks him out and tells Juliet to get some rope..

Miles shows up and tells the guy that he lied about talking to his son and gives him the money back..and tells him that if he wanted his son to know something he should have told him when he was still alive(this really has him thinking now about his dad I am sure)… Miles and Hurley show back up at camp…Hurley apologizes to him…Hurley tells him his story about his dad…giving him a second chance..and tells him that’s how luke felt on empire…and it gets miles thinking..Miles shows up to his parents house watching his dad read to his baby version of himself…he gets very emotional…he is reading him a book entitled my polar bear…he gets a phone call to leave and notices miles and tells him he needs him…tells him he needs him to pick up scientists from the sub…

They show up at the sub and everyone is getting off and one of them is Daniel! He tells miles hi and tells him long time no see!..fade to black!
Pic Source: ABC

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