Sayid is in a jail cell in Dharmaville…young Ben comes in to give Sayid another sandwich…Ben asks him if Richard sent him…he tells him they can see on the camera but they cant hear…he lets him know that 4 years ago he escaped to the jungle and talked to Richard (makes sense now on the time frame thing when he saw Richard)…he lets him know that if he is patient that he can break Sayid out…
Flashback…Moscow…Sayid is chasing down another man to kill him…e tries to bribe him but fails and sayid shoots him…Sayid meets up with Ben and Ben tells him job well done and there is no one else to kill…he tells Sayid to go on and live his life…( I think the last guy he killed for Ben was the economist we last saw last season)…
Horrace comes in the jail cell and cuts sayid handcuffs off….he wants sayid to talk but he isn’t telling them anything…(you can tell that “r” seems more concerned than Horrace)…he tells sayid he has one hour but if he doesn’t talk he will take it to the next level…Bacon is burning…Juliet is paying attention to Jack and Kate outside…Sawyer asks “what’s on the TV??!!” hahahaah! Juliet worries that its over…Sawyer promises nothing will change and he has everything under control…Horrace shows up and tells them he has a problem and he wont talk…and tells him that Oldham will have to do his thing on him…Sawyer wants to talk to Sayid…
Sawyer shows up to talk to Sayid…Asks him how he is doing…Sayid seems shocked about young Ben…Sawyer tries to get Sayid to confess and then just live with them…Sayid doesn’t want any part of it..and tells Sawyer he is on his own…
Jack and Kate are eating with Hurley and want to know about Sayid…Hurley tells Kate that Juliet and Sawyer are together…She asks Jack if he knew and he says yes…
Sayid gets talked to by Roger Linus(Ben’s father)…Ben shows up and his father is furious….(you can tell sayid truly feels sorry for this Kid)…Flash…
Sayid in Santo Domingo,DR..Ben shows up to let him know that Locke is dead and he thinks he was murdered(good lord he has to lie to everyone!!)…Sayid seems shocked and wants to know why and ben thinks its because of what they have been doing the past few years…and lets him know that a man is sitting outside waiting for Hugo and wants him to go kill him(ok this explains now why Sayid shows up to Hurley like this…)…Ben tells sayid he is capable of things that others are not(killing!)…Sayid says he is not what Ben thinks he is…Ben says sorry and says he was mistaken…
They zap Sayid and take him to Oldham…this man is out in the middle of nowhere and old music is playing…Horrace asks if they are ready…this man looks as if he puts LSD on a sugar cube and they tie him up and force it down Sayid…before he asks sawyer who that man is and Sawyer replies he’s our you!!(great title description for this episode)…Sayid tries to fight but he cannot…this is basically a truth drug for them…(sawyer looks very worried now..)…
Flash…they are at the docks and sayid leaves…Sayid is having a drink and meets Illana!! (maybe this is how he gets back to the island!! We are finally going to find out!)…
Sayid is drugged now and they want to know the truth…Sayid tells them he was in handcuffs before because he was a bad man…and tells them that he is not a hostile..and horrace wants to know where he came from him…he tells him that he came on a plane…and that’s how he returned…and they seemed shocked…and says the first time he came on a plane too..and tells them to ask sawyer…they want to know who he is…”r” interrupted him about the flame and sayid tells them he knows about all the stations and tells them they will all be killed…Horrace wants to know how he knows all of this and Sayid says because he is from the future…Oldham says maybe he used to much drugs and Sayid laughs and tells them they used exactly enough…Juliet and Kate discuss Sawyer..she tells him that Hurley told her..Sayid shows back up to camp and looks very out of it…
Dharma folks have a meeting on what they need to do about sayid…”r” wants him dead…So does Amy!! (she is really afraid for Ethan)…Sawyer wants to try and talk to him but they outvote him to kill him…”r” threatens if Horrace doesn’t order it that he will call Ann Arbor and they will make it for them(who is this??!!)…
Flash…Sayid and Illana hook up sorta and right before she beats him up and says she is there to bring him to Guam for a killing he made recently on a golf course(Awesome…we are getting background…but does this chick work for widmore or Ben…does she get people where they need to go??!)…
Sawyer wants to help sayid escape…but now sayid doesn’t want to leave(does he really believe that Ben will help him?)…he tells Sawyer that when he came back to the island that he felt a new purpose and he now knows why he is here…
Sawyer goes to talk to Jack but ends up talking to Kate and asks her why she came back…she said she doesn’t know why everyone else did but why she did(could this have to do with Aaron?!)…A flaming bus comes into camp(this has to be Ben’s doing)…everyone helps put it out…A very nice distraction to break sayid out…he tells jack 3 years no burning busses and they are back for one day!!..haha…little Ben(in a cool hoodie!) breaks Sayid out….Sayid tells him that he will take him to the others in thanks for breaking him out…and says that’s what he is here for… and they escape…
Flash…at the airport…Sayid see’s everyone and wants to know if they are really going to Guam and wants to take another flight but she insists on this one…he see’s ben and wants to know if she works for him…he tells her that he is a murderer…and she says why would I work for someone like him…sayid said he did(I still think that she is working for Ben or Widmore)…
They escape and Jin drives up…Sayid tries to tell Jin the story but he wants to call sawyer and then Sayid knocks him out…he grabs a gun and tells Ben he was right about him…and then shoots him!(WOW…this just got very real)..and runs off into the jungle(I am thinking this is his way in trying to change the future…but I think this was always meant to happen!)…fade to black!
Pic Source:ABC
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