Monday, March 23, 2009

Episode Namaste:re-visit(recap)

Ajira flight 316 flying….all are still on board…Co-Pilot talks to Frank about Hurley being on the plane and also is shocked he is flying on the same area of water where he crashed…plane starts to shake and Jack, Kate & Hurley disappear…Frank is attempting to fly it himself…flash(could this be the first time that others saw the white flash???)…after flash frank is landing the plane on the island…its daytime now…they see the runway(is this supposed to be the one that Kate and sawyer were working on with the others..?) they hear the numbers again…this time it’s a man repeating them…

Frank wakes up to see that his co-pilot has been killed…Caesar checks on liana and he calls out for “sara”…Sun is still on the plane and frank goes to get her…ben tells them that they are gone…and frank wants to know where and Ben replies “how should I know?”…

Flash…30 years earlier…sawyer gets his first talk with Kate, Hurley & Jack…Hurley bear hugs sawyer…shakes sawyers hand and then hugs kate…sawyer is shocked and wants to know where locke is….jack tells him that locke is dead…he doesn’t tell him how…Sawyer tells the group that they are in Dharma time and its 1977…

Jack is completely confused….Sawyer says he has been here for 3 years…Miles calls in…Jin wants to know what to do…Hurley comments on how awesome Jin’s English is!…hurley wants to know about everyone else from the plane…Jack tells them that frank & Sun where with them…but doesn’t mention anything about Ben…Jin rushes off and Kate asks about who else is here and Sawyer doesn’t say…

Juliet shows up at the station with Miles and wants to know where and what is going on with Sawyer…she finds him packing clothes to him…Juliet tells sawyer there is a sub coming in this afternoon and that will be there plan on getting them back…

Jin shows up at the flame….Radzinsky is working on a model of the swan…it’s the first time models are built for this…Jin wants to see the logs to see if the plane has landed on the island…he wants to know why the plane is important and Jin replies… “it just is…”

Flash….Sun is looking at Jin’s wedding ring…Frank wants to get the group together and tells them to stay close and stick together..and ceasar wants to know where here is..he wants to go search the Dharma stations….(in ldjb Caesar is in the hydra station and then they find locke…this must occur that night after this happened…Ben is standing off away from everyone…Sun see’s been walk off and follows him…Ben wants to know why she is following him…she wants to know where he is going and he says he is going back to his island and wants to know if she wants to come…

Juliet comes and visits with Amy and gets the sub log( this must be how she fixes it to get them here)…She tells Juliet they decided on a name for there baby…Ethan! (this is modern day ethan we have come to know)….

Jack tells kate that Hawking left the part out about going back thirty years( Hawking had stated that everyone must come back…that they must re-create the original flight the best they can)…Sawyer shows back up..he gives them clothes and says that they are coming in on the sub and they have to because the next recruits are not in for 6 more months…He tells them Jin will look and see at the flame…

Jin finds out at the flame that there is no plane activity…they find activity in one of there zones…Jin runs off and finds that it is Sayid…(he is still in handcuffs as he was on the plane)…He asks him where Sun is and Sayid says he doesn’t know….Radzinsky shows up and Jin has to play Dharma guy…

Sawyer brings in Jack, Kate and Hurley…Sawyer mentions to them that Dan has interesting theories on what they can and cant do( I am guessing he is working and doing stuff with the orchid)…Jack asks about Dan being here and Sawyer replies not anymore…A song is played when they arrive “ride captain ride upon your mystery ship”…He tells them to go watch the meet and greet video and Juliet has it all worked out…Miles arrives and see’s the group and tells him that Jin has a security situation…Jin tells Sawyer its sayid…

Flash…Ben and Sun move through the jungle and tells her that there are 3 boats and he is taking one to go back to his people…and he tells her that he doesn’t know for sure that it is where Jin is but that’s where he would start…Frank shows up and tells sun not to trust Ben…she says she has to trust him…Ben tells frank that he needs to take care of his people…and then sun nails him in the head with the boat paddle and knocks him out…Frank said I thought you trusted him..and sun replied “ I lied..”…

Dharma orientation video is playing for the new recruits…Jack gets called to get his stuff….Chang is actually working handing out stuff…he is mad that they are disorganized on the other side(could this be the mainland area)…he tells him that LaFleur brought him in…and Jack wants to know why he is workman…and Chang tells him based on his tests he is working were he is…(Jack smiles because he knows this is sawyer getting him )….Kate isn’t called yet and one guy gets suspicious….Juliet shows up though in time to help…

Sawyer shows up at the flame to meet Jin…Jin tells him Sayid came out of the jungle with handcuffs on…Sawyer wants to talk to him and Ranzisky tells him to shoot him and sawyer calls him “quick draw” and goes to talk to sayid…he gets sayid to admit he is a hostile…and then decides to bring him back to camp…

Sun and Frank use the boat to go to the big island…they see trees moving(could be the smoke monster)…they are at the Dharma camp…definitely in the future…everything is beat up…they start to hear voices…a light comes on in a house…its Christian!…He tells them he is Christian…and Sun wants to know where her husband is…

He takes them in one of the buildings…he shows her the new recruit 77’ photo…when she see’s this pics there is smoke entering the doorway..Christian then tells her that they have a bit of a journey ahead of them…where the smoke went there is a blurry shot of a woman looking at them(could this be Claire or Charlotte??)…

As the new recruits get the picture we just saw..they notice that Sawyer is back and they have sayid…he locks him up in the jail in the station..

Jack wants to know where Sawyer is and he asks for James and they tell him not to call him that because he hates it…Jack shows up and notices Juliet is at the house…and gives her a big hug…he then realizes that they are together…Jack wants to know about Sayid and Sawyer tells him he is safe and its all that matters…and Jack wants to know where we go from here…Sawyer says he is thinking on what to do next…and tells Jack that he thinks before but back when he was a leader he just reacted…he tells him he didn’t think…and that a lot of people died…and jack says he got them off the island…and tells Jack that he is in charge now and just to relax…Sawyer notices kate on her porch and then goes back inside…

A young kid goes in to give Sayid his sandwich…he says it has no mustard on it but he can get some if he wants him to…he wants to know if he is a hostile…he wants to know his name…Sayid …then he says his name is Ben…fade to black!
Pic Source: ABC

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