Monday, March 16, 2009

The end is near...well getting close...

I have recently learned that the final two episodes for this season will be entitled “the incident part I & II”…we are finally going to get to see what this was and what that video from the comic con really means…also this could play into the major death and it all circles around a cool nerd with beard and a tie…

First….to update the info on the ‘big death’ this season the list has gone to 3 folks that are currently on the island…Sawyer, Ben & Dan. My thoughts are listen below on who could be the one in order from least likely to most likely…

Ben: First of all, this guy to me would be the least likely to depart the island. The future of this show with the mythology and storylines really revolve around this guy. With the Annie story not finished to the Des & Penny story and also to the war that Widmore was referring to this season. I feel there is only a few ways his death could really happen this season….
maybe Desmond kills him due to the fact that he killed Penny OR possibly Ben is cheating by coming back to the island when he was told that if he moved it he could not return and Locke kills him…I don’t know..both don’t seem very likely…

Sawyer: Ok lets think…we don’t want the network to get too involved with this show and also that’s what makes LOST soo awesome that they have the freedom and they are different from other shows…
The question is do the writers really have the balls to kill him off before there biggest and last season of this series. Also…if he was going to be killed of they would have told him weeks in advance as they did with every other regular character and more so that his wife is going to give birth soon and they have a lot of planning to do…the respect should really be there…
I also think he is very safe due to the fact that he draws a TON of media attention (more than really anyone else right now) and the ratings are some of the best they have ever been for this show and it has one season left and they are not going to want a lot of folks turned off the show due to a major un-needed death.
The only way I could see this happening is simply due to the fact that this has been the season of sawyer and he has really come full circle and the island has turned him into a complete good person…

Daniel: here is the big one…I feel that this guy has the most likely change of going…I know I know he isn’t a huge major character. He is though loved by a huge amount of fans.
Through many spoilers it is known that Mrs. Hawking is going to do something “shocking” and honestly what could be more shocking than killing her own son??!! We all need to remember that Des will likely have to go back from Ben killing Penny and he will need her help. If Des tells her than Dan really isn’t following the “rules” , she could possibly go to the island with him and talks to him and finds that he is highly unstable and is trying to destroy the orchid…so she really will have no choice but to off him…
Also, Dan will make contact with young Charlotte…and Peirre Chang(making the video with him right when something bad is about to happen..)which really would make his storyline more complete. I think we will get more explanation on why we saw him at the beginning of the season in the orchid…
We saw through a spoiler that “jugead” will make a return…could this have something to do with Daniel and him sacrificing himself to get the others back to the same time period as Sun, Ben & Locke??
Also a spoiler here!-"Leading up to 5.13, Faraday has gone "missing" after exploring the Orchid amongst other things. In 5.13, he reappears and is seen by Miles. It's a pretty big reveal, as Daniel's whereabouts and activities have been missing for a while." The fact that it specifies he is seen by Miles (who sees dead people). This episode is a direct follow up from "The Constant." It continues with Desmond's and Daniel's adventures. We get more info on Daniel's notebook statement "Desmond is my Constant." I think it may be possible we learn about the notebook he may leave behind if he is the one to die rather than from Daniel himself.
The Incident will be caused by detonation of the Jughead. Daniel will make a noble sacrifice to save them. The threat will also force him to convince Charlotte's mother to leave. Mom will pretend not to know about the Island because Daniel will tell her it's the only way to prevent Charlotte's death.
The bomb will likely be behind the swan wall but I doubt that is related to the incident. I'm guessing it has to do with Faraday going against Pierre Chang's orders and drilling further. Causing the release of the energy.
I will hopefully have more ideas to follow soon!….
Pic Source:ABC

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