Friday, March 27, 2009

Mader: An Apology from the LOST Gods...

By now some of you have seen perhaps Rebecca Mader's Facebook update and perhaps even EW's article about Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse replying to her updates.

Here is the breakdown of what we know:

Well after Episode 5x08 LaFleur aired many fans jumped up and screamed how is it possible for Charlotte who was born in 1979 to be a Young Girl in 1977? Of course I guess with wacky time traveling and the lying on the show it could be explained, but the LOST writers during their weekly podcast, claimed that during filming and on set that actress Rebecca Mader made the change because the original date is 1970 in the script. They claimed she did not want to be playing a character that old.

Of course immediately many fans sent messages to Mader and we contacted her ourselves to see what was up?? She issued an official statement and was not too happy about Darlton claiming she changed the birthdate.

Here is what she sent us:

I just wanted to say that I NEVER changed my characters age on the set of LOST as Damon and Carlton accused me of on the most recent LOST Podcast. Charlotte Lewis was ALWAYS meant to be 28 and born in 1979. It was written in the script EP# 402 of which I have a copy and I can prove this. They made a mistake. They are making it my fault. NOT COOL.

Well she also voiced this opinion on her Facebook page where EW picked up the story and contacted Darlton who have now issued a joint apology to Mader and for screwing up.

Here is their apology via EW:

"Rebecca is absolutely right and we apologize to both her and the entire fan community for screwing up the story," the pair said in a joint email. "By way of explanation, here's what happened:

There were a gazillion questions about the timeline discrepancy in that young Charlotte clearly exists in 1974, but wasn't supposed to be born until 1979, per a single line of dialogue courtesy of Ben back in episode #402. When we inquired as to how this happened, the intel came back that we used Rebecca Mader's birthday, July 2, 1979 because she was actually eight years YOUNGER than the character as originally conceived/scripted. We misremembered this as having come from Rebecca herself on the set, but in fact, it came several days earlier when our continuity expert Gregg Nations pointed it out and suggested using Rebecca's actual birthday for Charlotte. And so, the mistake was OURS. Rebecca's production draft DID have the date as being 1979.

Our first mistake was the timeline gaffe, but the much more significant one was wrapping Rebecca up in this when she had nothing to do with it. Not her fault on any level. It was our bad. One hundred percent. We will say as much in a very special "Eating Crow" edition of our Podcast tomorrow. Speaking of which, what a wonderful world we live in where we can make a comment in a Podcast that triggers a response on someone's Facebook page and that triggers a mea culpa on someone else's blog. Ah, technology."

Source: EW

My nose bleed theory on why it all happened.and more..

How come only some of the survivors got "flashed" to the 70's (Jack, Hurley, Kate, Sayid) and others (Ben, Sun) didn't?We haven't seen any situation yet where an adult character is in the same time period as his/her younger self; i'm guessing that that just cannot happen...

You cannot have two versions of yourself in the same time period.We know for a fact that young Ben is in the 70's and that is why older Ben didn't get "flashed" there with the rest of the survivors. Sun didn't get transported either so I'm guessing that must mean that young Sun must be on the island too...

Is she really Hanso's daughter or other form of relative? That's probably also why Charlotte died when the final flash took them to that time period; because her younger self was already there and the laws of time won't allow that...Yes, when the donkey wheel was broken, the survivors were flashed to time periods where they already existed but that's just it, the donkey wheel was broken and everything was off.

Which is why they all started bleeding from the nose just like Charlotte... They probably would have died too if the donkey wheel was fixed in a time period where they were all there. That also explains why Charlotte was dying faster than the rest of them; because her younger self was in more time periods than the rest of the survivors, so everytime they flashed to a time period where she was already there, she would get weaker. The rest of the survivors were in far fewer time periods and they were therefore getting less affected...

As for Frank Lapidus, either his younger self is also there or, (more likely) he wasn't an original survivor and wasn't needed by the island.Just another side thought: So far we have 3 powerful men; Ben, Widmore and Sun's father....Two of the three originate from the island (Ben, Widmore). Is Sun's father linked to the island as well?....
Pic Source: ABC

Monday, March 23, 2009

Episode Namaste:re-visit(recap)

Ajira flight 316 flying….all are still on board…Co-Pilot talks to Frank about Hurley being on the plane and also is shocked he is flying on the same area of water where he crashed…plane starts to shake and Jack, Kate & Hurley disappear…Frank is attempting to fly it himself…flash(could this be the first time that others saw the white flash???)…after flash frank is landing the plane on the island…its daytime now…they see the runway(is this supposed to be the one that Kate and sawyer were working on with the others..?) they hear the numbers again…this time it’s a man repeating them…

Frank wakes up to see that his co-pilot has been killed…Caesar checks on liana and he calls out for “sara”…Sun is still on the plane and frank goes to get her…ben tells them that they are gone…and frank wants to know where and Ben replies “how should I know?”…

Flash…30 years earlier…sawyer gets his first talk with Kate, Hurley & Jack…Hurley bear hugs sawyer…shakes sawyers hand and then hugs kate…sawyer is shocked and wants to know where locke is….jack tells him that locke is dead…he doesn’t tell him how…Sawyer tells the group that they are in Dharma time and its 1977…

Jack is completely confused….Sawyer says he has been here for 3 years…Miles calls in…Jin wants to know what to do…Hurley comments on how awesome Jin’s English is!…hurley wants to know about everyone else from the plane…Jack tells them that frank & Sun where with them…but doesn’t mention anything about Ben…Jin rushes off and Kate asks about who else is here and Sawyer doesn’t say…

Juliet shows up at the station with Miles and wants to know where and what is going on with Sawyer…she finds him packing clothes to him…Juliet tells sawyer there is a sub coming in this afternoon and that will be there plan on getting them back…

Jin shows up at the flame….Radzinsky is working on a model of the swan…it’s the first time models are built for this…Jin wants to see the logs to see if the plane has landed on the island…he wants to know why the plane is important and Jin replies… “it just is…”

Flash….Sun is looking at Jin’s wedding ring…Frank wants to get the group together and tells them to stay close and stick together..and ceasar wants to know where here is..he wants to go search the Dharma stations….(in ldjb Caesar is in the hydra station and then they find locke…this must occur that night after this happened…Ben is standing off away from everyone…Sun see’s been walk off and follows him…Ben wants to know why she is following him…she wants to know where he is going and he says he is going back to his island and wants to know if she wants to come…

Juliet comes and visits with Amy and gets the sub log( this must be how she fixes it to get them here)…She tells Juliet they decided on a name for there baby…Ethan! (this is modern day ethan we have come to know)….

Jack tells kate that Hawking left the part out about going back thirty years( Hawking had stated that everyone must come back…that they must re-create the original flight the best they can)…Sawyer shows back up..he gives them clothes and says that they are coming in on the sub and they have to because the next recruits are not in for 6 more months…He tells them Jin will look and see at the flame…

Jin finds out at the flame that there is no plane activity…they find activity in one of there zones…Jin runs off and finds that it is Sayid…(he is still in handcuffs as he was on the plane)…He asks him where Sun is and Sayid says he doesn’t know….Radzinsky shows up and Jin has to play Dharma guy…

Sawyer brings in Jack, Kate and Hurley…Sawyer mentions to them that Dan has interesting theories on what they can and cant do( I am guessing he is working and doing stuff with the orchid)…Jack asks about Dan being here and Sawyer replies not anymore…A song is played when they arrive “ride captain ride upon your mystery ship”…He tells them to go watch the meet and greet video and Juliet has it all worked out…Miles arrives and see’s the group and tells him that Jin has a security situation…Jin tells Sawyer its sayid…

Flash…Ben and Sun move through the jungle and tells her that there are 3 boats and he is taking one to go back to his people…and he tells her that he doesn’t know for sure that it is where Jin is but that’s where he would start…Frank shows up and tells sun not to trust Ben…she says she has to trust him…Ben tells frank that he needs to take care of his people…and then sun nails him in the head with the boat paddle and knocks him out…Frank said I thought you trusted him..and sun replied “ I lied..”…

Dharma orientation video is playing for the new recruits…Jack gets called to get his stuff….Chang is actually working handing out stuff…he is mad that they are disorganized on the other side(could this be the mainland area)…he tells him that LaFleur brought him in…and Jack wants to know why he is workman…and Chang tells him based on his tests he is working were he is…(Jack smiles because he knows this is sawyer getting him )….Kate isn’t called yet and one guy gets suspicious….Juliet shows up though in time to help…

Sawyer shows up at the flame to meet Jin…Jin tells him Sayid came out of the jungle with handcuffs on…Sawyer wants to talk to him and Ranzisky tells him to shoot him and sawyer calls him “quick draw” and goes to talk to sayid…he gets sayid to admit he is a hostile…and then decides to bring him back to camp…

Sun and Frank use the boat to go to the big island…they see trees moving(could be the smoke monster)…they are at the Dharma camp…definitely in the future…everything is beat up…they start to hear voices…a light comes on in a house…its Christian!…He tells them he is Christian…and Sun wants to know where her husband is…

He takes them in one of the buildings…he shows her the new recruit 77’ photo…when she see’s this pics there is smoke entering the doorway..Christian then tells her that they have a bit of a journey ahead of them…where the smoke went there is a blurry shot of a woman looking at them(could this be Claire or Charlotte??)…

As the new recruits get the picture we just saw..they notice that Sawyer is back and they have sayid…he locks him up in the jail in the station..

Jack wants to know where Sawyer is and he asks for James and they tell him not to call him that because he hates it…Jack shows up and notices Juliet is at the house…and gives her a big hug…he then realizes that they are together…Jack wants to know about Sayid and Sawyer tells him he is safe and its all that matters…and Jack wants to know where we go from here…Sawyer says he is thinking on what to do next…and tells Jack that he thinks before but back when he was a leader he just reacted…he tells him he didn’t think…and that a lot of people died…and jack says he got them off the island…and tells Jack that he is in charge now and just to relax…Sawyer notices kate on her porch and then goes back inside…

A young kid goes in to give Sayid his sandwich…he says it has no mustard on it but he can get some if he wants him to…he wants to know if he is a hostile…he wants to know his name…Sayid …then he says his name is Ben…fade to black!
Pic Source: ABC

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Juliet(Elizabeth Mitchell) talks.... We're sneaking this Q&A in just before the producers lower a "cone of silence" onto the cast members, at least until you have filmed the season finale. Pretty crazy, huh?

Elizabeth Mitchell: Yeah, pretty much! Once again, it's one of those highly secret, highly crazy, "You think it's one thing but it's another thing" kind of endings. There are still about six pages missing [from the finale script] that only the people involved in it have. I'm worried now, that you don't have those six pages.

Mitchell: [Laughs] I didn't have the six pages last time, or the time before that. I was like, "Tell me, tell me! No, don't tell me." It seems like these next nine episodes will be a lot to digest.

Mitchell: They will. "LaFleur" was one of those little "eyes of the storm." You've been storming, you've been storming, you get to the middle and you're like, "Oh, it's not so bad. It's kind of nice here! I'll wait around here and take a deep breath." And then you start right in. It should be pretty exciting. What went through your mind as you learned of the Juliet-Sawyer love story?

Mitchell: There's my initial feelings, my middle feelings, and then my feelings now. At first, Josh [Holloway] and I were like, "Nuh-uh! That's never going to work!" But surely you had an inkling they'd go that way, after the storylines got split.

Mitchell: I think I even said, "I don't think that sounds like a very good idea at all." But then as the season went along, I realized there were these little asides and glances... Both Josh and I were like, "We don't know about this." But luckily — and I mean this very, very sincerely — it became something I'm very happy with. Josh turned to me the other day and said, "Hey, that's pretty good huh?" I said, "Yeah, it kinda works!" But even if you did see this hook-up coming, one could never have predicted the weight given to it via time-travel.

Mitchell: Josh and I were sitting in a canoe, doing a scene, and I said, "You know, they're not going to have us have mad, passionate love up against a tree. They're probably going to, like, have us already have been married for three years." He was like, "No, they're not going to do that. That's just ridiculous." So when he got the ["LaFleur"] script, he was like, "That's creepy!" Do you feel cheated or honored to get clean-shaven Sawyer?

Mitchell: Oh, very honored - but I kinda get both, because we're always flashing [through time]. He's kind of ridiculously good-looking regardless of what he does, so I try not to concentrate on that too much. Has it been in the back of Juliet's head that Kate could return to the island someday?

Mitchell: Yeah, I do think it's been there. But I also think that at some point in time, because three years is so long, she actually came to believe that maybe this might work. Maybe that came to her just in the last two months before [Kate, Jack et al] showed up, but for the first time in her life there was a grain of hope. So I think that it's very sad for her. Does any insecurity register on Juliet when she first learns Kate is back?

Mitchell: I think so. Juliet is torn in a lot of different directions. She's torn that Kate is there, I think she's torn over how Sawyer is going to respond to it.... It's very telling that he doesn't saying anything at first about Kate being there. Juliet's just busy reading him, but of course there must be massive worry about [Kate's return]. Juliet, in turn, must have her own reaction to seeing Jack again.

Mitchell: She does. She does have a reaction. It will be very interesting to see how people feel about their moments together. What are Juliet's priorities now?

Mitchell: Juliet has a couple of priorities, one of which of course is being in love, and that's figuring quite heavily in the writers' minds. And there's always the thing of, "How do I get my life back? How do I keep my sister and her child safe?" They are in this eye of the storm, this little hiatus, and that's new for her. Good lord, she's working in the motor pool, so she's not even trying to save lives! For the first time in her life, she's quite peaceful and living. Now it's becoming a matter of survival again. When I spoke to Reiko Aylesworth (Amy), she seemed to hint that the Purge is imminent, though it would seem to be a few years away. Is that anything the characters talk about?

Mitchell: We mention it a couple times, but isn't it still a little bit down the road? Ben was so much older. He's only 11 now, and when the Purge happened and he killed his father, he was like 17. And 11-year-old Ben is lurking around somewhere...

Mitchell: Of course he's there. He has to be. So it will be very interesting to see how that goes. Speaking Latin must have been one of the hardest things you've had to do for the show.

Mitchell: But you know what, I liked it. Part of me is kind of a brainiac so I thought it'd be cool if I spoke Latin anyway. There's that joy where you're talking to someone and all of a sudden you break off [into an unexpected language]. So yeah, it was difficult, but I thought it was pretty awesome!

Source: TV Guide

Pic Source: ABC


After 13 years of bit parts on TV, Fairfield native Eric Lange has found the biggest role of his career on "Lost."

The 1991 Fairfield High School graduate and Miami University theater major begins a seven-episode story line tonight as "Radzinsky" (9 p.m., Channels 9, 22).

"What started as two episodes has grown quite a bit," says Lange, who has appeared in "Criminal Minds," "ER," "Burn Notice," "Entourage," "Cold Case," "Boston Legal" and "Ghost Whisperer."

"They've really given me a great character to play. It's a great, meaty part.

"He can't say more because of the confidentiality agreement he signed with ABC to appear on the acclaimed five-year-old mystery about survivors of Oceanic Air flight 815 on a Pacific island.

ABC's cryptic description of today's episode says: "When some old friends drop in unannounced, Sawyer (Josh Holloway) is forced to further perpetuate his lie in order to protect them." The guest cast includes a co-pilot (Dan Gauthier) and a photographer (Sven Lindstrom).

Lange also appears in next week's show, described by ABC this way: "Things begin to unravel when one of the survivors goes rogue and takes matters into their own hands - risking the lives of everyone on the island."

He's not in the following two, then returns for the final five episodes this season. "Lost" concludes with a two-hour telecast May 13.

Pic Source: ABC

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fox To Quit TV After Lost

Lost star Matthew Fox will quit the small screen when his run in the hit U.S. TV show comes to an end next year.

Fox, who has played the role of troubled surgeon Jack Shepherd in the series since September 2004, landed his first major role in 1990s family TV drama Party of Five.
And after 18 years of small screen parts, he's determined to focus on building up his film credits - starting with a biopic about late American film actor Steve McQueen.

He says, "I'm pretty sure that (Lost) will be the last television thing that I will do... Steve McQueen was pretty f**king cool. He was an action guy and a man of few words and he liked his roles like that."

Lost producers plan to wrap up the storyline with the sixth and final series in 2010.

Source: Digital Spy

Pic Source: ABC

Exclusive: Lost Fans Invited to Weigh In on Season Finale

Lost executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof promised to call me as soon as they came up with a nickname for the closing — and assuredly jaw-dropping — scene of this season's finale, which is now slated for May 13.

The thing is, the boys aren't nicknaming that moment this year.
You are. has learned exclusively that in this week's official Lost podcast, posting to on Thursday, Team Darlton will formally invite viewers to suggest a nickname for the season finale's final moment.

In seasons past, that head-scratcher has been dubbed "Bagel" (Walt is abducted by the Others!), "Challah" (Penny's research team locates the island!), "The Rattlesnake in the Mailbox" (Jack is flashing forward!) and "Frozen Donkey Wheel" (which, quite literally, Ben rotated to move the island).
The ink is barely dry on the finale script and it's at least a week from being filmed, so you'll just have to go with your gut when conjuring up a nickname. There is talk, however, that the season-ender will (SPOILER ALERT) culminate with "the incident" referred to by Marvin Candle in the first orientation video.

Submissions can be directed to, with the producers' pick being announced on ABC's March 26 podcast.

Source: TV GUIDE

A new Little Ben interview...

Sterling Beaumon—the 13-year-old actor who played young Ben Linus in the third-season Lost episode "The Man Behind the Curtain"—will kick off a multi-episode arc on the ABC sci-fi series starting with this Wednesday's episode, "Namaste."

SCI FI Wire recently spoke with Beaumon about his Lost experience and his latest episodes. Following are edited excerpts of the exclusive conversation. Lost airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

How did they first hire you?

Beaumon: I actually look hardly anything like Michael Emerson [who plays the adult version of Ben], besides the eyes. I guess I do; a lot of people say I do. But what really got it for me was I could cry. I could cry on cue. And in the first episode I did I had to cry in every scene.

When you did that first episode did they tell you the role might be recurring?

Beaumon: They don't tell anyone anything, but everyone said, "Your character is so big, and your first episode is so big, they have to bring you back." Little did I know that after two years they'd bring me back.

We know that Lost has that crazy veil of secrecy over it, but give us a hint as to what you'll be up to in your episodes.

Beaumon: You're going to find out how Ben became the mean, cruel Ben that he is today. And you're going to find out about the roots of the island and how the island became the island. ... In two of the episodes, I'm really not doing a lot, but you just see me a lot, and you'll see what I mean by that.

Do you get a lot of people coming up to you, asking what's going to happen?

Beaumon: Yeah. It's kind of nice, and it's kind of hard. It's nice because the secrecy gets people to watch, because they want to know what's going to happen. And, in a way, it's hard, because you want to tell people what you do, but now I have to wait months to tell people how fun it was to do this or do that [in an episode], or to show people pictures from the set.

Did you go back and watch any of Michael Emerson's performances as Ben in order to help you play a natural extension of the character?

Beaumon: After I did my first episode [a couple of years ago], we became hooked on Lost, and I watched every single episode. Actually, ["Namaste" director] Jack Bender told me, "You do anything like Michael, and it'll ruin what's coming up." I didn't know what he meant, because I hadn't gotten the next script. And then I [read the next script and thought], "Oh, wow, I see why I can't act like Michael." Because you'll see why Michael starts acting like Ben within these episodes.

What are the chances you'll be back again after these episodes?

Beaumon: Everyone says, "Oh, gosh, you've got to come back again." What I'm hoping is that Annie, supposedly Ben's childhood friend, comes back [in a subsequent episode]. The girl who plays Annie [Madeline Carroll] is actually a close friend of mine.


Pic Source:

Kristen...puts the fans at ease...

Don in Dallas: Kristin, are they killing off Sawyer on Lost?Yes, they're killing Sawyer off Lost. Other season finale deaths to expect this year: A depressed McDreamy commits surgical hara-kiri with a scalpel on Grey's Anatomy, Blair uses thallium poison to kill Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl, and Jon Stewart is being written out of The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. (Sorry for the bad joke.)

To my own personal knowledge, Josh Holloway is not going anywhere (swear). However, it is possible there is a death I don't know about..


Monday, March 16, 2009

The end is near...well getting close...

I have recently learned that the final two episodes for this season will be entitled “the incident part I & II”…we are finally going to get to see what this was and what that video from the comic con really means…also this could play into the major death and it all circles around a cool nerd with beard and a tie…

First….to update the info on the ‘big death’ this season the list has gone to 3 folks that are currently on the island…Sawyer, Ben & Dan. My thoughts are listen below on who could be the one in order from least likely to most likely…

Ben: First of all, this guy to me would be the least likely to depart the island. The future of this show with the mythology and storylines really revolve around this guy. With the Annie story not finished to the Des & Penny story and also to the war that Widmore was referring to this season. I feel there is only a few ways his death could really happen this season….
maybe Desmond kills him due to the fact that he killed Penny OR possibly Ben is cheating by coming back to the island when he was told that if he moved it he could not return and Locke kills him…I don’t know..both don’t seem very likely…

Sawyer: Ok lets think…we don’t want the network to get too involved with this show and also that’s what makes LOST soo awesome that they have the freedom and they are different from other shows…
The question is do the writers really have the balls to kill him off before there biggest and last season of this series. Also…if he was going to be killed of they would have told him weeks in advance as they did with every other regular character and more so that his wife is going to give birth soon and they have a lot of planning to do…the respect should really be there…
I also think he is very safe due to the fact that he draws a TON of media attention (more than really anyone else right now) and the ratings are some of the best they have ever been for this show and it has one season left and they are not going to want a lot of folks turned off the show due to a major un-needed death.
The only way I could see this happening is simply due to the fact that this has been the season of sawyer and he has really come full circle and the island has turned him into a complete good person…

Daniel: here is the big one…I feel that this guy has the most likely change of going…I know I know he isn’t a huge major character. He is though loved by a huge amount of fans.
Through many spoilers it is known that Mrs. Hawking is going to do something “shocking” and honestly what could be more shocking than killing her own son??!! We all need to remember that Des will likely have to go back from Ben killing Penny and he will need her help. If Des tells her than Dan really isn’t following the “rules” , she could possibly go to the island with him and talks to him and finds that he is highly unstable and is trying to destroy the orchid…so she really will have no choice but to off him…
Also, Dan will make contact with young Charlotte…and Peirre Chang(making the video with him right when something bad is about to happen..)which really would make his storyline more complete. I think we will get more explanation on why we saw him at the beginning of the season in the orchid…
We saw through a spoiler that “jugead” will make a return…could this have something to do with Daniel and him sacrificing himself to get the others back to the same time period as Sun, Ben & Locke??
Also a spoiler here!-"Leading up to 5.13, Faraday has gone "missing" after exploring the Orchid amongst other things. In 5.13, he reappears and is seen by Miles. It's a pretty big reveal, as Daniel's whereabouts and activities have been missing for a while." The fact that it specifies he is seen by Miles (who sees dead people). This episode is a direct follow up from "The Constant." It continues with Desmond's and Daniel's adventures. We get more info on Daniel's notebook statement "Desmond is my Constant." I think it may be possible we learn about the notebook he may leave behind if he is the one to die rather than from Daniel himself.
The Incident will be caused by detonation of the Jughead. Daniel will make a noble sacrifice to save them. The threat will also force him to convince Charlotte's mother to leave. Mom will pretend not to know about the Island because Daniel will tell her it's the only way to prevent Charlotte's death.
The bomb will likely be behind the swan wall but I doubt that is related to the incident. I'm guessing it has to do with Faraday going against Pierre Chang's orders and drilling further. Causing the release of the energy.
I will hopefully have more ideas to follow soon!….
Pic Source:ABC

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Five questions with Michael Emerson...

Viewers aren’t the only ones mystified by what they see on ABC’s Lost. Most of the time, Michael Emerson says, the actors are just as much in the dark.

"We sit and talk about it amongst ourselves the way people do at home," says Emerson, who stars as Machiavellian islander Ben Linus. "In a way, it’s more clear on the screen than it sometimes is on the printed page, like in those episodes where the white flashes kept coming and people kept waking up in a different time."

Those scenes "played better" onscreen, the Emmy-nominated actor admits, than they did in his imagination. "The actors struggle with it, too," he says. "We’re just as caught up in the mysteries and how to puzzle it all out."

There’s no point in pumping Emerson for answers to the time-tripping castaway drama. "We’ve been trained into being careful about the few secrets we have," he says.

Emerson will tease, however, that new revelations about Ben and how he went bad are coming. The first in a new batch of episodes airs at 8 p.m. March 18.

1 Is it true that you thought this gig would last only a few episodes?

Yeah. And I’m glad I got it the way I got it. If someone had called me and said, "Listen, you’re about to become a regular on an iconic television program," I might have been nervous and possibly messed it up. In a way, I was a regular before I realized it. I was probably the last to tumble to it, although I should have known: They kept not letting me go home."

2 When did you first know that Ben was the ultimate schemer?

I remember about three or four episodes into my work when Sayid was torturing me and trying to get me to give the name of my master and I was whimpering and pleading and saying I couldn’t tell. The director came to me after a take and said, "Let’s go again and, this time, your master is the scariest man in the world." I said, "All right, I’ll do that. But what if I’m the head guy?" And the director blinked and said, "I can’t discuss that with you." And I thought, "Ah, I see what’s going on."

3 What can you share about the four-episode story line that will feature Ben as a young boy?

It’s safe to say we are going to revisit Ben’s youth. With some surprising developments and some recontextualizing of events we’ve already witnessed, which is one of the things our writers have license to do. Not only can we travel in time, but we can go back and replay a scene from two years ago and not stop the scene where it stopped before, let it run on a bit, so that we can find out something that completely changes our sense of what happened in the scene we thought we already knew.

4 Ben gets beaten to a bloody pulp a lot. What’s your take on that?

I see that as a pressure release valve that the audience needs. If Ben gets away with too much for too long, I feel the audience might grow disgusted. So every so often, he has to pay down a penance for his sins. Also, I think the taking of a beating is a strategic tool that Ben employs. After all, he always comes out of the beating wounded but with an information advantage.

5 He would be good participant on Survivor, wouldn’t he?

Absolutely. He’s willing to sacrifice himself, his physical well being, in order to gain an advantage, no matter how small.

Source: Star Telegram

Episode 5.16/17 casting

[CAPTAIN BIRD] Any ethnicity, 40s-50s. Professional, military background, intelligent and able. Concerned about the safety of his ship's crew. NICE CO-STAR... THIS ROLE WILL BE IN EP. 515 AND ONE EPISODE OF THE FINALE - THIS ROLE WILL FLY OUT ON THE 10TH

[DOUG] Caucasian, 40s. Charismatic, soft southern accent. Strong and authoritative but knows how to deliver bad news smoothly. Deals bad news to his buddy with empathy. NICE CO-STAR.

[YOUNG JEFF] Caucasian. 8 to 10 years-old, blonde hair, soft southern accent if possible. Hazel/Light brown eyes. Gone through much in his young life. Anger hides a deep pain. He's a tough kid with a wounded heart. NICO-STAR.

-WOW….wondering here but I think I might know who “young Jeff” is…

Episode 9: NAMASTE-Press Release


- When some old friends drop in unannounced, Sawyer is forced to further perpetuate his lie in order to protect them, on "Lost," WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

"Lost" stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday, Michael Emerson as Ben, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Ken Leung as Miles, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet and Terry O'Quinn as Locke.

Guest starring are John Terry as Christian Shephard, Jeff Fahey as Frank Lapidus, Francois Chau as Dr. Marvin Candle, Said Taghmaoui as Caesar, Zuleikha Robinson as Ilana, Reiko Aylesworth as Amy, Sterling Beaumon as young Ben, Patrick Fischler as Phil, Molly McGivern as Rosie, Eric Lange as Radzinsky, Dan Gauthier as co-pilot and Sven Lindstrom as photographer.

"Namaste" was written by Paul Zbyszewski & Brian K. Vaughan and directed by Jack Bender.
Source: ABC

Friday, March 6, 2009

Episode La Fleur:re-visit(recap)

Juliet, Jin, Miles & Sawyer above notice that the flash was different Miles says it felt more like an earthquake…Sawyer notices the well is back but there is no way to get in…Juliet notices that her headache is gone and nosebleeds are gone as well…She thinks its over and John fixed it all…Sawyer then says they wait for Locke and Co. to return and says they will wait as long as it takes(this might start to explain the time lapse)…

(3 years later) An song is played with Dharma people(it looks to be a security station)…One worker is very afraid that LaFleur finds out it will not be good…they notice someone on the screen fooling around by the pylons…its Horace!…they notice he has dynamite…its 3 in the morning…they have to go an wake Lafleur up…they are knocking on a Dharma house door…the voice sounds familiar….its Sawyer!!!(it looks as if he has gotten himself involved with Dharma his suit says “head of security”)…

Sawyer is in a Dharma van and beeps his horn for Miles(he is Dharma too now)…Sawyer tells him there fearless leader is loaded (Horace)…they don’t know why he got that way…(could his dynamite be from the black rock??)…Amy is Horace’s husband….she is pregnant…almost due. She says they have had a fight and its personal…She tells sawyer it’s
about…and before she could say she goes into labor…

(3 years earlier) the group finds Daniel…they notice Charlotte is not around anymore…Dan says I am not going to tell her(obviously referring to what she told him before she died….we all know he will though)he tells them there was another flash and she moved on…(could this mean that she is on the island and 2 of the same cant exist??? I know that when they were flashing that it happened but maybe if the island has stopped flashing that 2 of the same cannot exist together)…Dan tells Sawyer the flashes are over..he says where they are now they are there for good….Sawyer thinks they should head
back to the beach…miles is kind of shocked he is in charge(we all know that he has been wanting leadership for a long while and now he has it!)…

Walking through the jungle they notice yelling. And hear gunshots…Sawyer wants to help them and Miles asks Dan about doing it…he tells him what ever happened happened…and says it doesn’t matter what they do…and Sawyer gets his name back and says thanks a lot Plato!!…Sawyer wants them to drop the gun and Juliet kills one of them Sawyer kills the other…this is the amy that is in the flash forwards…she wants to know who they are…

She is caring for the dead Dharma guy..Juliet shares they are at least in the 70’s possibly the 80’s…Sawyer tells her that there ship wrecked here going to Tahiti…She says they need to bury them because of the truce and they have to bring Pauls body back home…(her husband)..she isn’t pregnant here though…Sawyer tells them to stay quiet and let him do all the talking..Juliet yells at dan to stop she notices the pylons….she tells her to turn it off…you can tell she is confused on who they are…(we all know Sawyer is a con guy so all should go well with his story…and Juliet almost lets it slip she knows about the island)..She goes to turn it off and says its off(you see though she grabbed something out of the box…)Once they cross it though they all get knocked out..she pulls stuff out of her ears…

(3 years later) Amy is in labor but the intern says she will need a c-section and he has never done that before…Sawyer goes to find Juliet(we know she was a baby doc before but what is she now??)…Juliet is now a mechanic??!!…He tells her that she has to do…She says they had an agreement(maybe this could change the future..??!..if she delivers this kid is this a kid that didn’t make it before??)…the intern says she cant but Amy wants her to do it…Sawyer goes out to wait…Jin is there…he wants to know if everything ok…Sawyer has been sending out Jin to look for everyone else…Jin wants to know how long they wait…Juliet shows up and lets Sawyer know that everything went fine and it is a boy…

(3 years later) Sawyer wakes up in the Dharma warehouse and Horace is trying to find out who he is…he says his name is Jim9James) LaFleur..Sawyer says they caught in a storm and they wrecked here and he tells him that they were looking for the black rock…he says they were wandering around the jungle looking for the rest of the group…Horace tells him they cannot stay and they have to leave on the sub in the morning…everyone else is waiting outside for him…Juliet tells Miles she stayed with the others there for 3 years and a sub brought her there…Daniel tells Jin that all the flashes are gone and the record is spinning again just not on the song they want it on…A young red head in a dress is playing(this has to be Charlotte)…Horace says Lafleur could explain everything…Alarm goes off and everyone is ordered inside…Richard shows up at camp

Horace goes outside to talk to Richard….(looks as if he is the leader of Dharma right now)..Richard tells him that the fence keeps everything else out but not them(others)…he wants to know where his 2 men are…Sawyer asks Horace to go and talk to him…Juliet tells him to be careful…Sawyer goes out and talks to him..Richard doesn’t seem to know him…he tells him that he is the guy that killed his men…Sawyer tells him the truce wasn’t broken and he isn’t with Dharma…He asks Richard if he buried the bomb…and said 20 years ago a bald fella walked up to him and told him he was there leader…he tells him he is with him and he is waiting for him to return…they agree to go away if they can have Pauls body(this is really not explained yet…)..Amy takes and ancient looking cross from his neck and walks away…Sawyer apologizes…Horace tells him that he bought himself 2 weeks on the island to look for his people…Sawyer see’s Juliet down by the sub…Juliet wants to leave…she said that everything is fixed and she wants off…sawyer reminds her that its 1974 and what she is looking for isn’t there yet…He doesn’t want her to leave him alone…she decides to stay…

(3 years later)…Sawyer is walking through camp and pics a daisy and goes to his house and Juliet is cooking dinner (they are together!!) She tells them that she loves him and kisses him…Sawyer says he loves her too…

Sawyer is there when Horace wakes up and wants to know what happened…he tells him that he is a father and he missed it…and Horace tells him that they had a fight and he found the cross in the drawer and that’s what caused it…he wants to know if 3 years is long enough to get over someone…Sawyer tells his story of getting over someone and that three years ago he could have had a girl…and says he cant even remember now what she looks like(this has to be Kate he is talking about)…and he says yes 3 years is long enough…

Sawyer and Juliet are awaken by a phone ringing…its Jin wanting him to come and meet him…(this is when he finds out about the group)..Sawyer doesn’t tell Juliet what happened and leaves…When he gets there he see’s the van pulling up…out comes Hurley, Jack & Kate!!!…Sawyer is extremely shocked…fade to black…

Pic Source: ABC

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Ankh...

The ankh: The Egyptian hieroglyph is a symbol of eternal life and fertility. Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest. The giant statue appears to be holding one in each hand. Paul's necklace was also an ankh. Amy takes the ankh from Paul, and successfully gives birth on the Island.

Anubis (a jackal-headed god) was an ancient Egyptian god of the underworld who guided and protected the spirits of the dead....
Pic Source: ABC

"the bald fella..."-Sawyer...

Terry O'Quinn's Locke is back from the dead on 'Lost.' Really.At this stage of “Lost,””%20mystery no one actually believed that John Locke would remain dead, but still, it's satisfying to see him alive again. That is, alive in the way that you and I are -- not in flashbacks, and not in the way that the ghosts of Charlie and Ana Lucia appear to Hurley or the ghost or some supernatural semblance of Christian Shephard roams the island.No, as "Lost" viewers saw last week, a content and assured Locke (Terry O’Quinn) once again walks and talks among the living people of the island, and even eats mangoes. All of which solidifies the "Lost" lore that has been building for five seasons: Locke is one special, mystical dude.

"Well, it appears to be at least a version of living," said O'QuinnTerry O’Quinn with a laugh during a telephone interview, acknowledging that he's given up on trying to assume things about his character because he's usually wrong. "It's interesting that I find post-death Locke up to this point much more relaxed and confident. I guess dying does that to you. I don't think he's too worried anymore. I think he might believe that he has the answers he's been looking for."When Locke boarded Oceanic Flight 815 in the series pilot, he was paralyzed and in a wheelchair after having been pushed out of a high-rise window by his father. But the instant the plane crashed, Locke was healed, and that bonded him to the island in a way that none of his fellow castaways, especially Jack (Matthew Fox), have been able to comprehend."I've looked into the eye of this island, and what I saw . . . was beautiful," Locke told Jack only six days after the crash, establishing the man of science / man of faith tension that has dogged the two characters, most movingly in the note Locke left Jack before he died: "I wish you had believed me."Locke intuitively felt that the island called him for a specific purpose. That suspicion was later reinforced by other intriguing island dwellers -- Richard Alpert, Charles Widmore and -- who at different times persuaded (or is it manipulated?) Locke into believing he is someone of importance on the island. Accepting his island destiny has been especially poignant for a man who has struggled with feelings of unworthiness and alienation his whole life."What he perceives, his understanding of the island, is special," said O'Quinn, who has won an Emmy for the role. "But it might be the road to hell. We still don't know what the moral entity of the island is. Is the island a good guy or a bad guy? That is the question I have."Because what's tragic about Locke is that he will follow," he added. "He's faithful to a fault. Once he decides, he follows to the end.

You see the same sort of thing in politics. Someone who commits to a theory or a course so deeply that even when it's proven wrong, they can't stop doing it because they don't want to look like a fool. I believe Locke is going to stay this course whether it proves to be the good or evil one, the dark or light one."Whatever the path, the drama is heightened by Locke's memories of Ben strangling him -- factors that will drive much of what happens to Locke for the remainder of the season."Obviously, Locke is of critical importance as to where the show is going and -- having died and come back to life -- that is 10 times more significant than being in a wheelchair and being able to walk, just on a spiritual level, so how is he different?" co-creator Damon Lindelof said. "What's very interesting moving forward is how is he going to process that experience and is he going to forgive Ben."O'Quinn thinks his character might have more forgiveness in him. After all, he already forgave Ben for shooting him and throwing him into a mass grave."He seems to do it consistently, doesn't he?" he said. "The one thing about Locke is that he's never closed any options that I can see. He's never burned any bridges that I can see. He forgave his dad. He will forgive anybody if it will help him move forward.

It wouldn't surprise me if somehow Ben talked his way out of this. At the moment, what we've shot to this point, I think Locke has a pretty strong upper hand."And that self-possessed Locke is the one that O'Quinn prefers, although his days of complaining about the character's trajectory are over, he said. During the second season, O'Quinn expressed his disappointment with Locke's diminished role as the button-pusher in the hatch that temporarily loses his faith. Then, when Locke's strength resurfaced in the third season, he stabbed Naomi in the back and killed her, which didn't sit well with the actor.

"I told them I thought it was gratuitous blah blah blah, and the producers basically gave me what I think is the final step in my education for actors for television, which was 'Shut up, you have a contract,' " O'Quinn noted and laughed. "I can't desire that he do one thing or another, and I finally got it through my head."The new O'Quinn is more like Locke, an in-the-moment, reflective man whose wish for his character is rather simple."In the end, I would like him to be terribly interesting," O'Quinn said. "Locke now has this sort of confidence that he never had in his first life, although a little confidence in a guy like him is a dangerous thing. I expect him to take at least one or two more surprising turns, and whether people like him or dislike him, I don't care, as long as they are not bored by him."Locke? Boring? That doesn't seem likely.As the series nears its final chapter next season, Locke could be The One who reveals one of the island's burning questions, the reason these castaways were all seemingly chosen to go there. Or someone (Ben? Widmore? Richard? Walt?) or something (the smoke monster? Christian's ghost?) could make Locke doubt himself again and wind up closer to the paralyzed man he once was, the man who was also willing to attempt suicide.

Source: LA Times

Pic Source: ABC

Amy interview....

This Wednesday on Lost (9 pm/ET, ABC), Sawyer, Juliet and the other time-trippers cross paths with, among other people, a woman named Amy — and boy, is she about to make a special delivery. 24 alumna Reiko Aylesworth gave us a tease-filled look at her multi-episode turn. How has it been for you, basically a New York City gal, filming in Hawaii?Reiko Aylesworth: It does feel like another country, but it's great. It's also weird because I got there and everybody looks like me and my family, which never happens. It's that whole mixed Asian thing! [Laughs] So first things first: Who is Amy?
Aylesworth: Good question. I'm trying to think of how I can describe her without giving anything away... . You come upon Amy in the midst of the biggest crisis of her life. Actually, two of the most intense moments in her life are in this first episode. When is Amy?
Aylesworth: I was told I'm not supposed to reveal that, even though it's the worst-kept secret. You could probably tell me. Well, the photos would suggest the 1970s. And she seems quite clearly to be having a baby. True?
Aylesworth: Do we know who the father is?Aylesworth: Following that [first episode], you do find out who the father is. Might Amy be giving birth to someone... "special"?
Aylesworth: I will say yes, it's a special person. And you eventually find out who — but not in that first episode. Might the castaways not want Amy to give birth to this special person?Aylesworth: They don't know at this point who... well, what the stakes are. My character really draws them into a new world, I will say that. That's mainly what she is for, taking them to that point where they have to decide [about interfering]. This week is a Sawyer-centric episode. How so?
Aylesworth: Most of my interaction is with Sawyer. Throughout the episode, all the characters at this point in time debate about whether to interfere with the past or not — and what the consequences might be. Josh Holloway is clean-shaven in these new episodes. Does Sawyer clean up upon seeing pretty Amy?
Aylesworth: Ha! Um, OK, that's a loaded question. No... It's something a little more unexpected. This episode's really exciting because it takes many unexpected turns. The end of this episode is really cool. [I say that] just having read it; I don't know how they filmed it. Does the ending involve the hooded woman Sawyer uncovers in the promo?Aylesworth: No, that's not at the end. There are so many reveals in this. This episode opens up many cans of worms. [The hooded woman] leads into the whole shift in the storyline. But then the end is very cool, too. It widens the scope of the show even more, which is hard to believe! It's game-changing. Team Carlton told me that an "interesting" romance is on the horizon for two island characters. Could Amy be one of them?
Aylesworth: Hmm... Actually, there's a very interesting romance. I think I'm kind of a red herring when it comes to that, though. I do work mostly with Josh and Elizabeth [Mitchell, Juliet]. You were a fan of Lost before this. What's your theory on who's the bad guy here — Ben or Widmore?
Aylesworth: I'm leaning towards Widmore, but Ben... I just want to know why he did what he did with the massacre. We have you for four episodes?
Aylesworth: So far. That I know of. Have you shot the fourth?
Aylesworth: I have not. I understand that 24's Michelle was one of your favorite roles.
Aylesworth: It is. At the time, there weren't a lot of roles where you could be strong and at the top of your game and be compassionate. There was this idea you had to be hard to get ahead. This season, it was revealed that Tony grieved Michelle's death so much he became treasonous. How touched are you?
Aylesworth: [Laughs] It's great. My mere lack of presence is propelling a whole story! And to think you only got to see a few days of our relationship. I was only bummed with how I went out; I wanted it to be in a hail of bullets. Michelle could come back from dead as the villain for next season. Forget how mad Tony was; Michelle was the deader one, so she's really miffed!
Aylesworth: [Laughs] Yeah, I'm really mad! That's when the show jumps the shark.

Source: TV Guide
Pic Source: ABC