Wednesday, February 25, 2009

TV Guide Interview with Lance Reddick...

The Feb. 18 episode of Lost left viewers with a whopper of a burning question: How did Kate, Sayid and Hurley end up on that Ajira Airways flight when they seemed so opposed to doing so? Did the mysterious Matthew Abaddon (Lance Reddick) have anything to do with it? talked to Reddick about what exactly we'll learn about Abaddon next as he plays a significant role in "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" (Wednesday, 9 pm/ET, ABC). In the meantime, Reddick offers up some juicy insight:WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT MATTHEW ABADDON?Thus far, Abaddon has helped assemble the team that came to the island from the freighter. He visited Hurley in the booby hatch to ask about the rest of the Oceanic 815 passengers. And he convinced a wheelchair-assisted Locke to go on a "walkabout" through the Australian Outback.WHAT DOES HIS NAME MEAN?Although Matthew means "a gift from God" in Hebrew, the Bible assigns Abaddon many not-so-cheery meanings, including "a place of destruction" and "the realm of the dead." The word is also described as a creature that resembles a centaur with long hair, locusts' wings and the tail of a scorpion. All in all, scholars have roughly interpreted all this to mean that he's the king of hell, the anti-Christ, the big guy: Satan.SO HE'S A BAD GUY THEN?When asked this very question, Reddick chooses his words carefully: "He believes he's on the side of the good guys." This answer is, of course, fitting for a show that also features Benjamin Linus, Charles Widmore, the Others and "the freighter folk," none of whom conform easily to good guy-bad guy characterizations.EXACTLY HOW MUCH DOES HE KNOW ABOUT HIS CHARACTER?While Reddick says he has been given key pieces of context on Abaddon's backstory, which he declines to share, he says he prefers to "play to the mystery." Well, it has certainly worked.WHO DOES HE WORK FOR?Wait, you mean he doesn't work for Widmore? Maybe not. While Reddick declines to answer definitively, he says that we have been given information that could lead us to a conclusion. Further, he teases: "It'll be crystal clear on [Wednesday] who he works for." Like, maybe... Satan?WHO WILL HE HAVE SCENES WITH?Unlike Abaddon's previous appearances, in which he had one-on-one encounters, this time he'll get around more, it seems. "It'll be with several of the main characters," he reports. "He's all throughout the episode." The episode purports to show us what happened to Locke from the time he left the island via frozen donkey wheel until his death.HOW DOES HE APPEAR AGAIN?"Just as every single moment that Abaddon has shown up has been a surprise, how he shows up and how the character develops throughout the episode... just be prepared to be very surprised," Reddick says.We're prepared! We're prepared!

Source: TV Guide
Source on pic: ABC

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